Saturday, December 28, 2019

Improved Management Of Diabetes Patients - 1609 Words

Improved Management of Diabetes Patients in Rehabilitation Settings Finie M Hardie Capella University Orientation to Graduate Nursing Study Unit 3 Assignment Improved Management of Diabetes Patients in Rehabilitation Settings The purpose of this paper is to take a specific subset or population of patients and study the current interventions provided to them as diabetes patients in Rehabilitation Settings. Then, improvements will be proposed to improve patient outcomes in this same setting. Diabetes is a chronic and life threatening disease that effects a large percentage of the population, and it requires time and effort on both the part of the patient and the health care provider to ensure that the patient is able to sufficiently manage the disease process to prevent further complications that can arise from having diabetes. This paper will address both type one and type two diabetes patients, as both are equally important and can be addressed with similar interventions. Patient Population and Clinical Concern Inpatient Rehabilitation Units see large numbers of patients that have uncontrolled diabetes every year. The clinical concerns for these patients include hyperglycemic episodes, illness with extended hospitalization, loss of limbs due to gangrene and poor circulation, unrelieved pain from diabetic neuropathies, feelings of apathy about the disease or being undereducated about the seriousness of the disease process itself, and poor understanding of self-management atShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review1353 Words   |  6 PagesGuccuardi et al. (2013) found that all 13 randomized control trials and comparative studies have affirmative rate differences in culturally based diabetes self-management education when compared to general diabetes education. Lorig et al. 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The goal for this paper is to improve diabetes self-management by means of using text messaging technology. Participant were recruitment into the program through distribution of flyers in the community, announcement via a poster in the facility. The text messaging last for 6weeks the n follow by survey to measure changes. Patient-provider relationships were improved due to increase of supportive messages which lead to improved diabetes outcomes. Interpretation of Results Interested participantsRead MoreDiabetes And The Dual Diagnosis Of Diabetes1685 Words   |  7 Pagesdiagnosis of diabetes and mental illness, the intertwining of the two chronic illness increases the blurring the lines of cause and effect, patients diagnosed with serious mental illness are at greater risk for the development of diabetes due and diabetics are at increased risk for depression due to the chronic nature of diabetes. 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She also has difficulty understanding the appropriate dose ofRead MoreThe Social Determinants Of Health1443 Words   |  6 Pages68-year-old female who was diagnosed with type I diabetes mellitus 37 years ago. She presented in hospital with a pressure ulcer on her left foot, which has increasingly worsened and become necrotic in certain areas. She has had uncontrolled blood glucose levels for many years and often does not prescribe to her medication schedule â€Å"because it doesn’t really work anyways.† She has a long history of neuropathy resulting from her poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. She also has difficulty understandingRead MoreIndividualized Medical Nutrition Therapy For Adolescents With Type I Diabetes897 Words   |  4 PagesMedical Nutrition Therapy for Adolescents with Type I Diabetes: A Possible Means to Improve Self-management of the Disease Danielle R. O’Reggio-Christopher Rutgers School of Nursing NURS 6060, Clinical Inquiry for Evidence Based Practice Professor A. 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