Friday, December 20, 2019

Educational Expansion . You Live And You Learn, From The

Educational Expansion You live and you learn, from the moment that we breathe our first breath we begin to assimilate and acquire information. We have life changing learning experiences before we can even speak. As children, our learning process is grandiose, learning a magnitude of things before the age of 5. Harvard University published a series of summaries regarding research on Child development. One of these articles mentions that â€Å"The basic architecture of the brain is constructed through an ongoing process that begins before birth and continues into adulthood.† (InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development, n.d.). We are constantly learning and growing our entire lives. To gain an understanding of the world around us, we†¦show more content†¦I was not only entering adulthood, but had a powerful workplace learning occurring during this time. Working at HBO, I was fortunate enough to work alongside some of the best and brightest individuals I had ever met. My boss became my mentor, and guided me through the ins and out of accounting; truly allowing me to acquire a full and clear understanding of the accounting process. I was able to review not just my own work, but the work submitted by many other departments. This allowed me to analyze and determine my career path. I realized my natural career progression was working as an executive assistant. The fact that I was working along many C-level executives, granted me the possibility to move from jr. accountant to executive assistant. Time progressed and so did my life. In the winter of 2002, my husband and I moved to Texas. This was a difficult transition that we made, since I was leaving all my family behind in Florida. It was at this time that I made some life changing choices. I was beginning to reflect of what my life was going to be. There was a transformation going on for me. Looking towards the future was not something I deeply reflected on. 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