Saturday, December 28, 2019

Improved Management Of Diabetes Patients - 1609 Words

Improved Management of Diabetes Patients in Rehabilitation Settings Finie M Hardie Capella University Orientation to Graduate Nursing Study Unit 3 Assignment Improved Management of Diabetes Patients in Rehabilitation Settings The purpose of this paper is to take a specific subset or population of patients and study the current interventions provided to them as diabetes patients in Rehabilitation Settings. Then, improvements will be proposed to improve patient outcomes in this same setting. Diabetes is a chronic and life threatening disease that effects a large percentage of the population, and it requires time and effort on both the part of the patient and the health care provider to ensure that the patient is able to sufficiently manage the disease process to prevent further complications that can arise from having diabetes. This paper will address both type one and type two diabetes patients, as both are equally important and can be addressed with similar interventions. Patient Population and Clinical Concern Inpatient Rehabilitation Units see large numbers of patients that have uncontrolled diabetes every year. The clinical concerns for these patients include hyperglycemic episodes, illness with extended hospitalization, loss of limbs due to gangrene and poor circulation, unrelieved pain from diabetic neuropathies, feelings of apathy about the disease or being undereducated about the seriousness of the disease process itself, and poor understanding of self-management atShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review1353 Words   |  6 PagesGuccuardi et al. (2013) found that all 13 randomized control trials and comparative studies have affirmative rate differences in culturally based diabetes self-management education when compared to general diabetes education. Lorig et al. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Educational Expansion . You Live And You Learn, From The

Educational Expansion You live and you learn, from the moment that we breathe our first breath we begin to assimilate and acquire information. We have life changing learning experiences before we can even speak. As children, our learning process is grandiose, learning a magnitude of things before the age of 5. Harvard University published a series of summaries regarding research on Child development. One of these articles mentions that â€Å"The basic architecture of the brain is constructed through an ongoing process that begins before birth and continues into adulthood.† (InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development, n.d.). We are constantly learning and growing our entire lives. To gain an understanding of the world around us, we†¦show more content†¦I was not only entering adulthood, but had a powerful workplace learning occurring during this time. Working at HBO, I was fortunate enough to work alongside some of the best and brightest individuals I had ever met. My boss became my mentor, and guided me through the ins and out of accounting; truly allowing me to acquire a full and clear understanding of the accounting process. I was able to review not just my own work, but the work submitted by many other departments. This allowed me to analyze and determine my career path. I realized my natural career progression was working as an executive assistant. The fact that I was working along many C-level executives, granted me the possibility to move from jr. accountant to executive assistant. Time progressed and so did my life. In the winter of 2002, my husband and I moved to Texas. This was a difficult transition that we made, since I was leaving all my family behind in Florida. It was at this time that I made some life changing choices. I was beginning to reflect of what my life was going to be. There was a transformation going on for me. Looking towards the future was not something I deeply reflected on. My husband and I began talking about forming a family. I began recalling memories I had with my mother. The fact that she graduated college and decided to stay home with us, placed me in the path of transformative learning. In transformative learning Mezirow (1991) mention’s that we have â€Å"broad sets ofShow MoreRelatedThe Little Things Count : College Versus High School1083 Words   |  5 PagesWhen the little things count: college versus high school When you change from the world being a reliant teenager to an young adult you go through a series of life transitions and educational stages. Society marks the educational jump from being a teenager to an adult in a stereotypical way, you are expected to go from high school to college. While attending high school it is the goal of those teachers to prepare you for this aperture into the unknown. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The philosophy of economics marketing - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss aboutThe philosophy of economics marketing. Answer: Every company requires logistic management so as to facilitate performance of activities. Lack of logistic management strategies affect the performance. In this paper, we consider logistic management issues facing Hanjins Shipping Company. Typically, logistic management refers to supply chain management applied to satisfy customer demands via control, planning and implementation of effective storage, movement of goods, services and relevant information from origin to destination. The main logistic management issues affecting Hanjins Shipping Company are overcapacity and supply chain interruptions. These issues result to low shipping rates. In that connection, the company is putting a lot of pressure on the shipment process. These issues affect supply chain services. The main cause of logistic management problems in the company is based on mismanagement of finances required to facilitate supply chain services (Hausman, 2007). Again, poor planning decision in the logistic business aspe cts contribute to overcapacity. Consequently, failure of their mismanagement of financial and planning decision in the logistic business aspects is a shock to global commerce and logistics. This is clearly asserted by Joe Dunlap, the managing director of supply chain services in Hanjins Shipping Company. This is caused by mounting overcapacity in international shipping and depressed container rates. Mismanagement of financial and planning decision in Hanjins Shipping Company have left retailers and importers to face higher costs. They also face challenges in terms of service impacts as they struggle to search for other alternatives of transport. Logistic management facilitates performance of the company by lowering supply chain service costs. However, logistic management issues facing Hanjins Shipping Company pose negative impacts to the performance of the company. First, they interrupt supply chain services. In that connection, Hanjins Shipping Company is forced to freeze shipments. This results to loss of millions of dollars of merchandise held by the company. This affects the store stock for importers and retailers thus affecting the performance of the company. Another impact on performance is loss of competitive advantage in the market (Dann and Dann, 2007). Although Hanjin is one of the biggest shipping company in the world, retailers and importers affected by logistic management issues, mismanagement of financial and planning decisions will be forced to find other shipping companies so as to meet their demands. In addition, the performance is affected in terms of wealth margin. This is caused by exacerbating profit margin pressure. Therefore, additional costs and interruption of supply chain services impact the company negatively. This squeezes the profits earned by retailers who are forced to withdraw from Hanjins Shipping Company. Lastly, the impact of logistic management issues affect macroeconomic aspects of the company. This expose the company to bankruptcy and supply chain impacts. In that case, retailers are forced to re-evaluate their strategies on import so as to mitigate supply chain interruption (Holmes et al., 2015). This make the company to lose potential customers thus reducing the profit margin. Despite Hanjins Shipping Company facing logistic management issues and mismanagement of financial and planning decisions, the following recommendations will be appropriate to recover from negative impacts. Thus, poor logistic planning affects delivery deadline. The company should identify logistic practices that are cost effective. This will reduce logistic costs. This strategy will facilitate the company to achieve competitive advantage in shipping industry. Hanjins Shipping Company does a lot of shipping which will be propelled by this strategy hence remaining financially viable. Hanjins Shipping Company need to hire competent logistic management team. This strategy will assist the company to meet high customer demands. This will also enable the company to withstand fluctuating global business climate (Marshall, 2013). For this reason, the company need to initiate smart logistic management practices. Again, the company should outsource logistic providers so as to implement logistic practices. This will reduce mismanagement of financial and decision planning in the logistic business aspects. It will save money and time. Shipping is a complex process associated with logistic costs. The company need to have a reliable logistic management practice so as to reduce logistic expenses such as transportation, labor, administration and storage costs. The company should use alternative strategies such as private warehouses so as to have sustainable supply chain services. Lastly, the company should incorporate consolidated shipments. This is a method of shipping where an agent combines many shipping companies into one shipment. It is cost-effective and safer (Krugman, Obstfeld Melitz, 2012). Again, use of cargo insurance will assist in logistic planning. It is also important to incorporate strategies in outsourcing, using a single, integrated platform and supply chain visibility. Timely planning and optimized use of resources are among the recommendations to be incorporated by Hanjins Shipping Company. References Dann, S., Dann, S. (2004)Strategic Internet marketing. Brisbane: John Wiley Sons. Dann, S., Dann, S. (2007) Competitive marketing strategy. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education. Hausman, D. M. (2007) The philosophy of economics: An anthology. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Holmes, K, Hughes, M, Mair, J Carlsen, J. (2015) Events and sustainability.1st ed. Abingdon: Routledge. Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M. J. (2012) International economics: Theory policy 9th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education. Marshall, B. (2013) Accounting Information Systems. Australian edition. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Australia.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Building Sustainable Organizations Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Building Sustainable Organizations Analysis. Answer: Introduction The report discusses the HRM practices in an organization through the case study of a hospital which is located in Australia with around 400 staff members. The hospital has its unit across the Australia. The case study discusses ineffective HR practices operating in the hospital administration which have contributed to high attrition, grievances, absenteeism and shortage of staff in the organization. The hospital has been reported to have some serious accidents involving patients and staff members. The case then discussed a contrasting view of another hospital that is effectively implementing HRM practices in its administration through employee engagement activities, HR policies, job analysis and recruitment and selection. The hospital has been reported to have great patient services because of its sustainable management practices and policies. The first hospital discussed in the case reflects ineffective HRM practices which have degraded the quality of patient services and have even led to some serious patient accidents. The hospital only has one payroll department which takes care of the salary of the employees and one HR consultant who conducts weekly visits to the hospital. All the responsibilities of an HR manager have been laid down on the middle managers which has overburdened them. The CEO of the hospital has been overlooking the consequences of this activity of overburdening middle managers. This has resulted in work conflicts, staff turnover and absenteeism. The overall quality of the services of the hospital has also degraded. The hospital lacks an effective communication model, which is taken care by an HR manager. Effective communication is required for assigning roles and responsibilities, boosting employee confidence and evaluating performance of the employee. An effective communication holds an organization together through effective policies, employee handbook, meetings and conferences, performance evaluation, employee engagement etc. Communication helps to transfer the information from one department to other and thus maintains the flow of information through mails, telephones, meetings, documents, employee record etc (Fielding, 2006). It is the role of an HR to maintain an effective communication in an organization which is not present in the hospita l. Employment relations are also not being properly managed ineffective HR policies. Employment relations are required to hold the employees and have good staff retention in the hospital through developing relation between employee and the hospital through benefits and compensation, appraisal system etc (Gardner Palmer, 1997). The employee gets frustrated and demotivated due to work conflicts and situation based problems. They need to be motivated by an HR manager through meetings and other activities. The managers are not even aware that these assigned responsibilities are not even part of their job and get frustrated sometimes which creates absenteeism and staff turnover. This overall impacts employee competence through work conflicts and absenteeism which indirectly affects the quality of the services of hospital and leads to disappoint patient. This spoils the image of the hospital and affects the long terms goals and objectives of the organization. A sustainable HRM model is required to improve the quality of the services of the hospital (Wolper, 2004). The CEO of the hospital needs to review the performance of the hospital in order to build a sustainable business model. He needs to understand that an HR consultant is not enough while considering the long term goals and objectives of the organization. The patient care and safety are one of the essential components for a successful running hospital which are not as per the norms of a hospital. The severe accidents may increase in the future and may have disastrous consequences on the operational system of hospital. The CEO needs to develop a sustainable HRM model in order to achieve the long term goals and objectives of the hospital (Wolper, 2004). CEO would have to create an effective HR department and ensure proper implementation of the HR policies and practices. He could have a look at the HRM model of other successfully running hospital as mentioned in the case study. The hospital has a proper HR department which has led to quality services to the hospital through its staff retention and employee engagement. Thus, CEO should plan to develop an HRM model in the hospital by considering the following roles and responsibilities of an HR department and should hire an HR manager who could assist him in other recruits for the department. Recruitment and Selection The HR manager is responsible for hiring the suitable employees as per the needs and requirement of the job profile in the organization. Employees are recruited through different channels such as newspaper ads, online ads, networking, telephone etc. It is the responsibility of an HR to use the right channel for selection (Brinkerhoff Goldsmith, 1992). Induction and Training When a new employee gets hired and joins the organization, he needs to be well versed about the organization and his duties and job role. The HR manager guides and instructs the employee through an induction and training program regarding what he would be expected to do through employee handbook, job description, company policy manual and training and mentoring. He also checks all the required documents of the employee such as id proof, degrees etc (Brinkerhoff Goldsmith, 1992). Rules and Regulations It is the duty of an HR manager to ensure that hospital complies with the rules and regulations of the government through his legal research expertise on hospital. The hospital must abide by the laws as prescribed by the government which may include recruitment contracts with the medical practitioners. Then there are employee contracts which should be very well documented (Brinkerhoff Goldsmith, 1992). Employee Management It is the duty of an HR to control and monitor the performance of an employee through employee engagement, resolving work conflict, handling grievances, appraisal system etc. The employee performance is responsible for quality of the services of a hospital. An HR boosts the confidence of employees through different activities and ensures smooth operational activities in an organization (Wolper, 2004). Decision-Making An HR manager is also involved in core team of a hospital and helps in building strategies in alignment with the goals and objectives of the organization. An HR manager acts as an intermediate between the employees and the hospital and thus, helps to resolve employee issues and concerns through proper planning and devising solution (Evans, 1990). Training and Development Training and development is a very crucial element to develop a sustainable business model in hospital industry. It ensures quality services and equipping the staff with latest technology and practices in the market. It is the duty of an HR to conduct regular training in the hospital such as handling patient effectively, being polite to the patient etc. Thus way training improves the quality standard of a hospital (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). Administration and Management HR is responsible for running operations of a hospital smoothly and effective administration is the core element of HRM in hospital. The responsibilities may vary from hospital to hospital (Fried, Fottler Johnson, 2005). Studying the above roles and responsibilities, it can be evaluated that an HR plays a very important role in effective delivery of services and ensuring quality patient care. Further, the report would discuss the ways to develop a sustainable HRM model in a hospital and its consequences. A sustainable HRM model consists of six elements which would be discussed one by one below: HR Management Systems: It ensures that the operational activities are being maintained in an organization through integration of data, staffing and placement and employee support system. The data is helpful is evaluating the performance of the employees and provides employee feedback and coaching and mentoring to the employees if required. This would improve overall work productivity of the hospital through an effective appraisal system and policies and measures (Evans, 1990). Leadership: Employees look for continuous guidance and instructions from their superiors to make sure that their work is in alignment with the goals and objectives of the hospital. HR manager would make sure that the employees are fully aware of their job profile and expected results through intensive planning and organizing. Their involvement in the decision making process ensures that the hospitals planning, budgeting and organizing considers the issues and concerns raised by the employees. Thus, an HR ensures that there is continuous involvement of stakeholders in the decision making process (Evans, 1990). Partnership: A hospital must ensure that there is proper planning, organizing and optimum utilization of the resources. Partnership is a way to hold the stakeholders and direct them towards a common goal and objective of the organization (Evans, 1990). Finance: Employees need motivation in order to increase their work productivity which can be ensured through timely incentives and a properly defined salary structure for an employee. The salary package of an employee must be defined in advance so that he is aware about his benefits which may include education, medical, allowances etc (Evans, 1990). Education: Employees look for their career advancement and growth in an organization. Education would motivate them and would also help to increase the work productivity of a hospital (Evans, 1990). Policy: An organization must have effective policies to ensure discipline in the system. An employee must abide by the rules and regulations of an organization so as to align with the goals and objectives of the hospital (Evans, 1990). Thus, a sustainable framework can be ensured through following approaches: Focusing on result oriented practices Involvement of Stakeholders in the decision making process Continuous learning through training and development Working on new strategies and approaches Building a Sustainable HRM Model A sustainable HRM model would involve four steps which are as follows: Purpose: The purpose is analyse the current situation which can be done through various methods such as taking feedback from the stakeholders, reviewing the records and documents etc. In the case study, CEO must identify the key stakeholders first and then analyse the complete situation through the inputs received from the stakeholders (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). The process can be carried out through a meeting with the key stakeholders, reviewing the existing HR documents which can be collected from HR consultant and payroll manager. This would help in identifying the root cause of the problem (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). Purpose: Once the inputs have been received from the previous step, this step would define the actions required to be taken. This would be carried out through prioritizing the actions which are necessary in the current scenario. The planning would involve cost calculation for the implementation of those actions and the consequences the actions would have on the hospital (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). Purpose: The most critical part of building HRM model is the execution of the planned layout and most of the organizations fail at the execution level. Thus, a leader must ensure that the roles and responsibilities are properly allocated to the respective departments and employees so as to ensure that an effective implementation is being carried out (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). Thus, the phase would involve planning the execution though funding, allocating the responsibilities and budget planning for the action plan. Purpose: It is very important to measure the success of plan that has been executed and evaluate the process of implementation. Monitoring and controlling helps to determine the milestone achieved and helps in future planning (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). The process involves analyzing the key stakeholders who would decide the factors for monitoring and evaluating the execution. The roles and responsibilities of the employees must be clearly defined (Savage, Fottler Khatri, 2010). Consequences of Building a Sustainable HRM Framework Developing a sustainable business model for any organization is a challenging task and requires the contribution of all the stakeholders of an organization. But, once the framework is being developed, it would have great results in terms of employee commitment and improve the service quality of the hospital. Effective Communication: Communication helps in constant flow of information in an organization. An effective communication is required in an organization to keep the employees updated regarding their roles and responsibilities. The HR manager would ensure an effective communication in the organization (Zelles, 2012). Performance Management: Performance management must be evaluated on a regular basis in an organization. Effective HR policies would help to evaluate the performance of an employee (Niles, 2012). Employment Relations: An organization must ensure that the employees are satisfied with their job role to maintain employment relations. An HR manager acts as an intermediate between the organization and the employee to build trust and loyalty among the employees which helps to increase the work productivity (Zelles, 2012). Recommendations Thus, a sustainable HRM Model is crucial for an organization to ensure employee commitment and quality services. The recommendations for the CEO of the hospital are as follows: The CEO must perform a situational analysis so as to devise a solution for current existing scenario (Niles, 2012). An execution plan must be laid to build an HRM model which would make use of the six components as discussed. A proper execution then must carried with continuous monitoring and evaluation (Zelles, 2012). Conclusion The report has analyzed the case study and the measures required to be taken in order to devise a solution for the same. The discussion has involved the steps that CEO needs to consider to build a sustainable HRM Model for his hospital to improve the quality of the services. Most importantly, a sustainable model requires a great leader, HR management systems, effective HR policies and involvement of key stakeholders in the decision making process. List of References Gardner, M Palmer, G. (1997). Employment Relations:Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management in Australia. 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